2024 Paul Hay Award Nominations now open!
The Adelaide Roots and Blues Association is inviting interested persons to nominate individuals and organisations for the 2023 Paul Hay Award.
Each nomination should be emailed to ARBA Awards Coordinator Bruce Mattingly (bruce.mattingly@mmem.com.au) outlining how the nominated individual or organisation's service to South Australian blues and roots has met each of the following criteria:
1. Positive energy
2. Encouragement
3. Builder, creator
4. Mentor
5. Conscientious worker
6. Courage and commitment
7. Embodies the spirit of the Blues
Please note the following:
1. Nominations will not be accepted unless they outline how the nominated person or organisation's service to South Australian blues and roots has met each of the above criteria.
2. There should be one nomination per email.
3. Nominations must be received no later than 8th of November, 2024.
4. Previous winners not eligible (list of previous winners HERE )
Nominations will be considered by the ARBA committee who will vote to determine the 2023 Paul Hay Award.
Email Bruce Mattingly (ARBA Awards Coordinator)